



NMT (ex. with pictures)
NMT (ex. with pictures) 随堂测验
NMT 匹配游戏
NMT 随堂测验
NMT. 匹配游戏
NMT. 匹配游戏
NMT reading
NMT reading 随堂测验
NMT Mix 随堂测验
nmt 真假游戏
NMT 随堂测验
NMT Nature
NMT Nature 随堂测验
NMT MIX 随堂测验
ZNO reading
ZNO reading 随堂测验
NMT 11 (advertisement)
NMT 11 (advertisement) 随堂测验
NMT 10 (advertisement)
NMT 10 (advertisement) 随堂测验
NMT Mix 6
NMT Mix 6 随堂测验
NMT Mix 5
NMT Mix 5 随堂测验
NMT mix 3
NMT mix 3 随堂测验
 OET B1. Unit 6 Money. Vocab
OET B1. Unit 6 Money. Vocab 匹配游戏
OET B1 Unit 9. Phrasal verbs with 'take'
OET B1 Unit 9. Phrasal verbs with 'take' 完成句子
NMT Mix 4
NMT Mix 4 随堂测验
NMT categories. Quiz
NMT categories. Quiz 随堂测验
NMT MIX 7 随堂测验
NMT 2022 demo
NMT 2022 demo 匹配游戏
 NMT mix 3
NMT mix 3 随堂测验
NMT lesson1 words
NMT lesson1 words 匹配游戏
nmt voc 2
nmt voc 2 随堂测验
 Dates nmt
Dates nmt 匹配游戏
NMT MIX 随堂测验
NMT.  Revision.
NMT. Revision. 匹配游戏
Structure NMT
Structure NMT 匹配游戏
OET B1. U7 Vocab
OET B1. U7 Vocab 匹配游戏
NMT 2020 s1 vocab
NMT 2020 s1 vocab 完成句子
Science and technology Taboo: explain as many words without naming them to your partner in 2 minutes.
Science and technology Taboo: explain as many words without naming them to your partner in 2 minutes. 开箱游戏
Home. Taboo: explain the words without naming them
Home. Taboo: explain the words without naming them 开箱游戏
Change the order of the words in the sentences.
Change the order of the words in the sentences. 句子排列
Holidaymakers. Taboo: explain as many words without naming them to your partner in 2 minutes.
Holidaymakers. Taboo: explain as many words without naming them to your partner in 2 minutes. 开箱游戏
L22 匹配游戏
Art: continue these sentences with your ideas
Art: continue these sentences with your ideas 随机轮盘
Future of Education
Future of Education 随堂测验
Health problems: fill in the crossword based on the synonyms
Health problems: fill in the crossword based on the synonyms 填字游戏
The Changing World of Education
The Changing World of Education 随堂测验
Holidays: continue these sentences with your ideas
Holidays: continue these sentences with your ideas 随机轮盘
Ilnesses and their symptoms
Ilnesses and their symptoms 匹配游戏
Social Media and your mental health
Social Media and your mental health 完成句子
 OET B1 Unit 5 Employment
OET B1 Unit 5 Employment 匹配游戏
Task 2 Reading
Task 2 Reading 随堂测验
Sports: True or False
Sports: True or False 真假游戏
Unjumble these sentences
Unjumble these sentences 句子排列
NMT 2024 Trial 1
NMT 2024 Trial 1 随堂测验
Holidaymakers: true or false
Holidaymakers: true or false 真假游戏
Science and technology: facts matching
Science and technology: facts matching 真假游戏
Health problems: explain as many words without naming them to your partner in 2 minutes
Health problems: explain as many words without naming them to your partner in 2 minutes 开箱游戏
ZNO leader 4 test
ZNO leader 4 test 随堂测验
Education in Finland
Education in Finland 标记图表
Prepositions NMT
Prepositions NMT 按组分配