
العربية للناطقين بغيرها


339个符合‘العربية للناطقين بغيرها’的搜索结果

6b masculine and feminine classify
6b masculine and feminine classify 按组分配
الحروف العربية
الحروف العربية 寻找匹配项
4c numbers 1-10 match word and number
4c numbers 1-10 match word and number 匹配游戏
2h Present with I he match words
2h Present with I he match words 按组分配
2d jobs extended pic match
2d jobs extended pic match 随堂测验
9a restaurant match pic word
9a restaurant match pic word 匹配游戏
4a Yaa Milkiyya hit moles
4a Yaa Milkiyya hit moles 打地鼠
أشكال الحروف العربية / القاعدة النورانية
أشكال الحروف العربية / القاعدة النورانية 寻找匹配项
9 Short vowels hit moles
9 Short vowels hit moles 打地鼠
Letter خ in words
Letter خ in words 打地鼠
Letter ظ in words
Letter ظ in words 打地鼠
2a Present with Singular match words
2a Present with Singular match words 匹配游戏
2e Present with I hit moles
2e Present with I hit moles 打地鼠
10a nationalities hit males
10a nationalities hit males 打地鼠
Letter ZAY in words
Letter ZAY in words 打地鼠
Letter TAA in words
Letter TAA in words 打地鼠
Letter ح in words
Letter ح in words 打地鼠
2d present with all subjects match words
2d present with all subjects match words 寻找匹配项
Letter ط in words
Letter ط in words 打地鼠
Letter ص in words
Letter ص in words 打地鼠
Letter JEEM in words
Letter JEEM in words 打地鼠
Letter ف in words
Letter ف in words 打地鼠
Letter ق in words
Letter ق in words 打地鼠
Letter غ in words
Letter غ in words 打地鼠
Letter ع in words
Letter ع in words 打地鼠
3e extended rearrange letters
3e extended rearrange letters 拼字游戏
7b house rooms match pic word
7b house rooms match pic word 随堂测验
2a Jobs basic flashcards
2a Jobs basic flashcards 随机卡
2b jobs basic audio match
2b jobs basic audio match 寻找匹配项
7e family and house items match pic word
7e family and house items match pic word 标记图表
8 Long Vowels hit moles
8 Long Vowels hit moles 打地鼠
4- Syllables with  ب ت ث  ا س ش و
4- Syllables with ب ت ث ا س ش و 匹配游戏
4a Numbers 1-5 flashcards
4a Numbers 1-5 flashcards 随机卡
5d Subject Pronouns all open box with sound
5d Subject Pronouns all open box with sound 开箱游戏
1b Days flashcards
1b Days flashcards 随机卡
5b School items match sound pic
5b School items match sound pic 匹配游戏
5c School items 1 match sound pic
5c School items 1 match sound pic 匹配游戏
2f Present with he hit moles
2f Present with he hit moles 打地鼠
2g Present with She hit moles
2g Present with She hit moles 打地鼠
5e Subject pronouns all choose
5e Subject pronouns all choose 随堂测验
11 short and long vowels all Match
11 short and long vowels all Match 寻找匹配项
3- Syllables with ب ت ث ا س ش
3- Syllables with ب ت ث ا س ش 匹配游戏
Letter ALIF in words
Letter ALIF in words 打地鼠
2c Present except dual match words
2c Present except dual match words 寻找匹配项
Letter THAA in words
Letter THAA in words 打地鼠
Letter Seen in words
Letter Seen in words 打地鼠
2c jobs extended audio match
2c jobs extended audio match 寻找匹配项
4b numbers 0-10 listen and choose
4b numbers 0-10 listen and choose 随堂测验
2i Present with I He She match words
2i Present with I He She match words 按组分配
2e jobs extended word match
2e jobs extended word match 寻找匹配项
7c House items hit moles
7c House items hit moles 打地鼠
3a Past with Singular Match words
3a Past with Singular Match words 寻找匹配项
7a Question Words match words
7a Question Words match words 刺破气球
أشكال الحروف Forms of the letters
أشكال الحروف Forms of the letters 随堂测验
Letter ض in words
Letter ض in words 打地鼠
Letter BAA in words
Letter BAA in words 打地鼠
2- Sallables withب ت ث ا س ا
2- Sallables withب ت ث ا س ا 匹配游戏
3c Family basic match pic and sound
3c Family basic match pic and sound 寻找匹配项