



vocalic "ar"
vocalic "ar" 随机轮盘
S1 U2 -ar verbs -Conversation Cards
S1 U2 -ar verbs -Conversation Cards 随机卡
Vocalic R - /AR/
Vocalic R - /AR/ 图像测验
-AR wordsearch
-AR wordsearch 找词游戏
ar 拼字游戏
/ar/ 问答游戏
-ar crossword
-ar crossword 填字游戏
AR 开箱游戏
Practice with the Preterite of Regular -AR verbs
Practice with the Preterite of Regular -AR verbs 刺破气球
-AR 找词游戏
ar 配对游戏
ar 按组分配
ar anagram
ar anagram 拼字游戏
ar Quiz
ar Quiz 随堂测验
Vr sentence unjumble
Vr sentence unjumble 句子排列
-ar Words
-ar Words 随机卡
AR verbs
AR verbs 匹配游戏
AR Multiplication match-up
AR Multiplication match-up 匹配游戏
-AR verbs
-AR verbs 随堂测验
ar words
ar words 图像测验
ar & er
ar & er 按组分配
-ar words
-ar words 完成句子
7.1a -AR wordsearch
7.1a -AR wordsearch 找词游戏
or,ar 随机轮盘
-ar verbs
-ar verbs 寻找匹配项
AR - OR?
AR - OR? 迷宫追逐
AR Words
AR Words 配对游戏
ar & or anagram
ar & or anagram 拼字游戏
AR verbs
AR verbs 随机轮盘
AR words
AR words 随机轮盘
ar words
ar words 图像测验
-AR verbs  Gameshow Quiz
-AR verbs Gameshow Quiz 问答游戏
AR Words
AR Words 问答游戏
/ar/ words
/ar/ words 完成句子
BOOM! Bossy-R sentences (long)
BOOM! Bossy-R sentences (long) 随机卡
Bossy-R unjumble sentences
Bossy-R unjumble sentences 句子排列
BOOM! Bossy-R sentences (short)
BOOM! Bossy-R sentences (short) 随机卡
Bossy-R unjumble sentences #2
Bossy-R unjumble sentences #2 句子排列
Spelling AR-
Spelling AR- 猜字游戏
ar maze chase
ar maze chase 迷宫追逐
-ar 句子排列
AR 按组分配
ar 随机卡
AR 填字游戏
Bossy-R word sort
Bossy-R word sort 按组分配
Ar and Or words
Ar and Or words 配对游戏
Regular - ar verb conjugation
Regular - ar verb conjugation 寻找匹配项
-AR|-ER|-IR Practice
-AR|-ER|-IR Practice 随堂测验
vR- or and ar
vR- or and ar 打地鼠
AR Verbs and Pronouns
AR Verbs and Pronouns 按组分配
ar or or
ar or or 按组分配
AR Multiplication by 2
AR Multiplication by 2 刺破气球
Present Tense AR  Regular Verbs
Present Tense AR Regular Verbs 随堂测验
R-controlled vowel  "ar"
R-controlled vowel "ar" 猜字游戏
Bossy r /ar/
Bossy r /ar/ 打地鼠
AR Preterite verbs
AR Preterite verbs 寻找匹配项