
German Time Telling


8,894个符合‘german time telling’的搜索结果

Wortschatz - Die Uhrzeit (informal)
Wortschatz - Die Uhrzeit (informal) 标记图表
Time to the Nearest Minute
Time to the Nearest Minute 寻找匹配项
What time is it?
What time is it? 匹配游戏
Chapter 10-Telling Time Bingo
Chapter 10-Telling Time Bingo 随机卡
telling time to the 15 mins
telling time to the 15 mins 迷宫追逐
Telling Time - Is it AM or PM?
Telling Time - Is it AM or PM? 随堂测验
What time is it?
What time is it? 随堂测验
Telling time
Telling time 随机卡
Telling Time Quiz
Telling Time Quiz 随堂测验
telling time quiz
telling time quiz 随堂测验
Telling Time
Telling Time 迷宫追逐
Telling Time
Telling Time 刺破气球
Telling Time
Telling Time 真假游戏
Telling Time
Telling Time 真假游戏
Telling Time
Telling Time 标记图表
Telling Time_ Review_ Grade 2
Telling Time_ Review_ Grade 2 匹配游戏
1_ Telling Time to the Hour and Half Hour
1_ Telling Time to the Hour and Half Hour 随堂测验
Telling the time
Telling the time 匹配游戏
Telling Time (5 minutes)
Telling Time (5 minutes) 随堂测验
Telling the time - Balloon pop
Telling the time - Balloon pop 刺破气球
Telling time quiz
Telling time quiz 随堂测验
Telling Time
Telling Time 刺破气球
Grade 3 Telling Time (5 minutes)
Grade 3 Telling Time (5 minutes) 随堂测验
Telling Time to the Hour
Telling Time to the Hour 寻找匹配项
Telling Time to the Hour
Telling Time to the Hour 配对游戏
Telling Time to the Hour
Telling Time to the Hour 真假游戏
Telling Time to the Hour and Half Hour
Telling Time to the Hour and Half Hour 匹配游戏
It's quarter to ...
It's quarter to ... 匹配游戏
Quarter & Half Past Times
Quarter & Half Past Times 寻找匹配项
1_ Time to the Half Hour
1_ Time to the Half Hour 随堂测验
telling time practice
telling time practice 随机卡
Telling the time
Telling the time 随堂测验
Telling time in French
Telling time in French 随机轮盘
Telling time review
Telling time review 问答游戏
Telling Time to the Hour and Half Hour
Telling Time to the Hour and Half Hour 随堂测验
 Telling Time (5 minutes)
Telling Time (5 minutes) 随堂测验
Telling Time to the Half Hour
Telling Time to the Half Hour 随堂测验
Telling Time to the Half Hour
Telling Time to the Half Hour 寻找匹配项
Telling Time to the Nearest 5 Minutes
Telling Time to the Nearest 5 Minutes 问答游戏
Telling Time - Hour and Half Hour
Telling Time - Hour and Half Hour 刺破气球
Telling time bingo
Telling time bingo 随机卡
Horas match up ⏰⚡️
Horas match up ⏰⚡️ 寻找匹配项
Telling Time
Telling Time 配对游戏
Telling Time
Telling Time 随机轮盘
Telling time
Telling time 随机卡