
Present continuous


8,147个符合‘present continuous’的搜索结果

Present Continuous vs. Present Simple 2
Present Continuous vs. Present Simple 2 按组分配
Present Continuous vs Simple Present
Present Continuous vs Simple Present 完成句子
What are you doing?
What are you doing? 随机轮盘
Simple Present vs Present Continuous
Simple Present vs Present Continuous 随堂测验
Practice with the Present Continuous
Practice with the Present Continuous 随堂测验
A Present Continuous Story
A Present Continuous Story 完成句子
-ing Form of Verbs
-ing Form of Verbs 随堂测验
#2 Present Continuous Sentences
#2 Present Continuous Sentences 完成句子
Simple Present and Present Continuous Questions
Simple Present and Present Continuous Questions 随机卡
Warm Up - Present Time
Warm Up - Present Time 随机卡
Present perfect
Present perfect 完成句子
#1 Present Continuous
#1 Present Continuous 随堂测验
Prepositions of Place - in, on, under, behind, in front of, next to
Prepositions of Place - in, on, under, behind, in front of, next to 随堂测验
Where is the cat? - in, on, under, next to, in front of, behind -
Where is the cat? - in, on, under, next to, in front of, behind - 随堂测验
The Verb "To Have"
The Verb "To Have" 随堂测验
Present simple affirmative form 1
Present simple affirmative form 1 完成句子
Asking questions
Asking questions 开箱游戏
simple present questions
simple present questions 句子排列
Present Perfect Past Simple
Present Perfect Past Simple 随堂测验
The Verb "To Be"
The Verb "To Be" 完成句子
Sentences with TO BE
Sentences with TO BE 句子排列
BE verb: use of am/is/are
BE verb: use of am/is/are 随堂测验
Practice the Simple Present Tense rearrange the sentences
Practice the Simple Present Tense rearrange the sentences 句子排列
Embic and Birth
Embic and Birth 标记图表
Present C. Questions (students)
Present C. Questions (students) 随机轮盘
Word Morph v.1
Word Morph v.1 按组分配
WE1 - U11 - LB
WE1 - U11 - LB 句子排列
Simple Present vs Present Continuous
Simple Present vs Present Continuous 随堂测验
what are you doing test
what are you doing test 开箱游戏
A2IC - Lesson 1 Task 4
A2IC - Lesson 1 Task 4 闪存卡
Environmental Issues
Environmental Issues 寻找匹配项
Change simple present to present progressive (continuous)
Change simple present to present progressive (continuous) 开箱游戏
Present continuous
Present continuous 匹配游戏
Yes and No Question Practice - make answers with 3 words. (Y) = Yes, (N) = No
Yes and No Question Practice - make answers with 3 words. (Y) = Yes, (N) = No 闪存卡
Wh - questions. Present Simple & Present Continuous. Use long answers.
Wh - questions. Present Simple & Present Continuous. Use long answers. 随机卡
Put the Sentences in Order
Put the Sentences in Order 句子排列
"To Be" Verb (Present Tense)
"To Be" Verb (Present Tense) 随堂测验
Present Simple Present Continuous Conversation Questions
Present Simple Present Continuous Conversation Questions 随机卡
Present Continuous Verbs
Present Continuous Verbs 句子排列
Level 1 (Unit 3) and Level 2 (Unit 1) - Present Continuous Verbs (____ing).  Use for an action happening now.
Level 1 (Unit 3) and Level 2 (Unit 1) - Present Continuous Verbs (____ing). Use for an action happening now. 句子排列
Verbs -ing spelling rules
Verbs -ing spelling rules 拼字游戏
Unit 10. Can for abilities
Unit 10. Can for abilities 开箱游戏
Adverbs of frequency
Adverbs of frequency 排序练习
A2 Wh Questions in Simple Present
A2 Wh Questions in Simple Present 句子排列
The Wet Floor - Questions - abcEnglish Phonics 2 - CCLC
The Wet Floor - Questions - abcEnglish Phonics 2 - CCLC 随堂测验
Present perfect questions
Present perfect questions 开箱游戏
List 1.01 in English
List 1.01 in English 句子排列
Routines 闪存卡
use of present simple
use of present simple 随堂测验
Present Simple Passive
Present Simple Passive 随机卡
Vocabulario 1: Los verbos en ingles
Vocabulario 1: Los verbos en ingles 匹配游戏
BASIC 2 ice breaker
BASIC 2 ice breaker 随机轮盘
Arrangge the words into the correct sentences
Arrangge the words into the correct sentences 句子排列
What's wrong? - (difficult) - CCLC
What's wrong? - (difficult) - CCLC 随堂测验
demostratives 随堂测验
Present Tense - Verb be - I and You
Present Tense - Verb be - I and You 句子排列
Answer the correct answer
Answer the correct answer 问答游戏