



6. Family Label
6. Family Label 标记图表
4. Mulitple Sounds
4. Mulitple Sounds 飞机游戏
Opposites 2
Opposites 2 配对游戏
1. Months & Seasons
1. Months & Seasons 按组分配
2. Weather Accessories
2. Weather Accessories 刺破气球
1.3 sentence review 1
1.3 sentence review 1 句子排列
Outdoor Games / باہر کے کھیل
Outdoor Games / باہر کے کھیل 标记图表
7. Verbs: Present/Past
7. Verbs: Present/Past 标记图表
1. Weather words
1. Weather words 配对游戏
3. Weather & Gear
3. Weather & Gear 按组分配
Tenses 按组分配
Singular/Plural 随堂测验
1.4 colors & objects
1.4 colors & objects 真假游戏
1.1  Colors
1.1 Colors 迷宫追逐
Singular/Plural 飞机游戏
8. Verbs: Progressive
8. Verbs: Progressive 标记图表
Fruits and Vegetables in Urdu
Fruits and Vegetables in Urdu 按组分配
5. Make Sentences
5. Make Sentences 连词造句
3. Count 11-31
3. Count 11-31 随机轮盘
4. Days
4. Days 打地鼠
1. Colors
1. Colors 迷宫追逐
4.3 sentence review 2
4.3 sentence review 2 句子排列
3. Colors & Feelings
3. Colors & Feelings 按组分配
1. 3&4 Letter words
1. 3&4 Letter words 拼字游戏
 Opposite Emotions / جزبات
Opposite Emotions / جزبات 配对游戏
2. Count 1-10
2. Count 1-10 匹配游戏
2. Mischievous 9
2. Mischievous 9 寻找匹配项
 Urdu Haroof e Tahajji Nursery ا-ژ
Urdu Haroof e Tahajji Nursery ا-ژ 匹配游戏
Body Parts
Body Parts 随堂测验
Synonyms Match
Synonyms Match 配对游戏
9. Clocks Quiz
9. Clocks Quiz 问答游戏
Fill-in Challenge
Fill-in Challenge 完成句子
Opposites 1
Opposites 1 配对游戏
Urdu grammar
Urdu grammar 问答游戏
4.5 Verb spelling
4.5 Verb spelling 猜字游戏
People and Actions
People and Actions 句子排列
4. Me: Hero practice
4. Me: Hero practice 连词造句
5. Days of the Week
5. Days of the Week 排序练习
 میرا کمره/ MY ROOM
میرا کمره/ MY ROOM 匹配游戏
color rainbow
color rainbow 标记图表
1. Emojis
1. Emojis 匹配游戏
6. My week
6. My week 随堂测验
Actions and Things associate with Rooms.
Actions and Things associate with Rooms. 按组分配
match maira/mairi/maire
match maira/mairi/maire 寻找匹配项
Sentence jumble
Sentence jumble 句子排列
People / لوگ
People / لوگ 寻找匹配项
Food And Tastesکھانا اور ذائقہ
Food And Tastesکھانا اور ذائقہ 按组分配
Verbs / Actions
Verbs / Actions 随堂测验
3.2 Emojis
3.2 Emojis 匹配游戏
Appearance/ساخت 匹配游戏