1) What is the capital of North Dakota? a) Columbus b) Sacramento c) Santa Fe d) Boise e) Des Moines f) Bismark 2) What is the capital of South Dakota? a) Pierre b) Olympia c) Oklahoma City d) Madison e) Topeka f) Indianapolis 3) What is the capital of Nebraska? a) Washington b) Lincoln c) Jefferson City d) Carson City e) Cheyenne f) Springfield 4) What is the capital of Kansas? a) Lansing b) Salem c) Denver d) Phoenix e) Topeka f) St. Paul 5) What is the capital of Minnesota? a) Jefferson City b) Bismark c) St. Paul d) Des Moines e) Juneau f) Madison 6) What is the capital of Iowa? a) Lincoln b) Columbus c) Lansing d) Des Moines e) Honolulu f) Frankfort 7) What is the capital of Missouri? a) Jefferson City b) Carson City c) Topeka d) Lincoln e) Pierre f) Austin 8) What is the capital of Wisconsin? a) Indianapolis b) Raleigh c) Tallahassee d) Des Moines e) Springfield f) Madison 9) What is the capital of Illinois? a) Topeka b) St. Paul c) Salem d) Pierre e) Springfield f) Columbus 10) What is the capital of Michigan? a) Olympia b) Santa Fe c) Lansing d) Springfield e) Jefferson City f) Madison 11) What is the capital of Indiana? a) Columbus b) Indianapolis c) Austin d) Cheyenne e) Des Moines f) Bismark 12) What is the capital of Ohio? a) Pierre b) Springfield c) Jefferson City d) Columbus e) Carson City f) Des Moines 13) What is state #1? a) Illinois b) North Dakota c) Kansas d) Missouri e) Ohio f) South Dakota 14) What is state #2? a) Iowa b) Kansas c) Ohio d) Michigan e) South Dakota f) Missouri 15) What is state #3? a) Michigan b) Ilinois c) Kansas d) Nebraska e) Wisconsin f) Missouri 16) What is state #4? a) Iowa b) Kansas c) Ohio d) Michigan e) South Dakota f) Minnesota 17) What is state #5? a) Minnesota b) Wisconsin c) Kansas d) North Dakota e) Ohio f) Indiana 18) What is state #6? a) Illinois b) North Dakota c) Missouri d) Iowa e) Michigan f) Ohio 19) What is state #7? a) Illinois b) Indiana c) South Dakota d) Nebraska e) Kansas f) Missouri 20) What is state #8? a) Iowa b) North Dakota c) Indiana d) Minnesota e) Wisconsin f) Illinois 21) What is state #9? a) Michigan b) Illinois c) Nebraska d) North Dakota e) Ohio f) Kansas 22) What is state #10? a) Iowa b) South Dakota c) Indiana d) Nebraska e) Illinois f) Ohio 23) What is state #11? a) Michigan b) Ohio c) Minnesota d) Wisconsin e) Illinois f) South Dakota 24) What is state #12? a) Illinois b) Indiana c) Wisconsin d) Missouri e) Ohio f) Kansas

Midwest Region




