Muckrakers - A group of journalists and other writes brought many of society's ills (problems) to public attention., Pure Food and Drug Act - Public outcry over unsanitary (not clean) conditions in the meatpacking industry caused Congress to push out a new laws in 1906., Initiative - Progressive reformers lobbied stated legislatures to grant citizens this, which allowed them to put proposed new laws on the ballot for voter approval., Referendum - Empowers voters to approve or reject new laws passed by a legislative body, was part of Progressive Era efforts to expand democracy., Recall - One means by which Progressives hoped to clean up government was this, which empowered voters to remove elected officials from office before the end of their terms., Seventeenth Amendment - Expanded democracy by taking from state legislatives the power to select each state's U.S. senators and giving it to the voters,

Part 1 - The Progressive Era




