Describe a home that you like (not your own). How old is it? What rooms are in? Why do you like this home?, Do you like spending your free time at home or do you prefer going out? Why?, "Everyone needs their own bedroom" Do you agree? Why/Why not?, If you could change one thing about your home, what would you it be? Why?, "Moving house is good because it brings opportunities to meet new people and do new things" Do u agree?, What was the last thing you bought for your home? Was it a good thing to buy? Why? Why not?, Have you and yr family always lived in the same home? If not, where did you live before? , Do you think it's difficult to move to a new home? Why? Why not?, Where do young people usually choose to live when they start university? , Where whould you like to live when you leave school and start work or university? Why?.




