1) Impenetrable Hide a) Nemean Lion b) Hydra c) Cerberus 2) Regenerates Heads a) Hecatonchires b) Hydra c) Chimera 3) Giant Whirlpool that sucked up entire ships a) Minotaur b) Ladon c) Charybdis 4) Three-headed Guard Animal of the Underworld a) Centaur b) Cerberus c) Charon 5) Half Man, Half Bull a) Minotaur b) Satyr c) Centaur 6) Guarded the Apples of Hesperides a) Ladon b) Chimera c) Sirens 7) Part Goat, Lion, and Serpent a) Chimera b) Gray Sisters c) Sphynx 8) One Eye in the middle of his forehead a) Charon b) Gray Sisters c) Cyclopes 9) Satyr a) half man, half goat b) half man, half bull c) half man, have horse 10) Winged Horse a) Centaur b) Pegasus c) Man-Eating Mares of Diomedes 11) Ate liver every day a) Stymphalian Birds b) Prometheus' Eagle c) Sirens 12) Half Man, Half Fish a) Triton b) Sirens c) Titan 13) Sang Sailors to the their death a) Triton b) Muses c) Sirens 14) Razor-Sharp Feathers a) Pegasus b) Sirens c) Stymphalian Birds 15) Part Lion, Wings, Serpent Tail a) Chimera b) Sphynx c) Stymphalian Birds 16) Snakes for Hair a) Gorgon b) Gray Sisters c) Mares of Diomedes 17) Ate humans instead of hay a) Pegasus b) Mares of Diomedes c) Medusa 18) Half Man, Half Horse a) Centaur b) Satyr c) Minotaur 19) Boatman of the River Styxx a) Cerberus b) Triton c) Charon 20) Shared an Eye and a Tooth a) Gray Sisters b) Cyclopes c) Fates 21) Decided every mortal's fate a) Charon b) Gray Sisters c) Fates 22) 100 hands, 50 Heads a) Titans b) Hecatonchires c) Hydra 23) Goddesses of Artistic Inspiration a) Muses b) Sirens c) Graces 24) Held the world on his shoulders a) Cronus b) Prometheus c) Atlas 25) Inhabited woods, rivers, mountains, streams a) Graces b) Nymphs c) Muses





