1) What kind of story is this? a) Fiction- Made up story b) Non-Fiction - True Story 2) What clues made you think it was a Fiction story?  a) real photos b) drawings c) talking animals d) all about true animal facts e) animals wearing clothes 3) What kind of animal is the story about? a) bear b) koala c) kangaroo d) marsupial 4) What was the whole story about? a) different kinds of bears b) a koala who doesn’t like being called a bear c) animals that live in Australia d) true facts about koalas 5) How did Warren feel at the end of the story and why? a) happy - because people called him by his name  b) sad and lonely- because the animals wouldn’t play with him  c) angry & frustrated- because the animals still called him a bear d) sad and angry because he’s a bear 

Don't Call Me Bear 




