1) Mark listens to music at the Music lesson a) What..do? b) Where? c) Who? d) Ready 2) History is very important and exciting a) What..like? b) Why? c) What subject? d) Ready 3) They are writing the essay now a) When? b) Who? c) What do? d) Ready 4) She has already done all the sums at the Maths lesson a) Who? b) Where? c) What? d) Ready 5) They studied Art and PE last year a) What? b) When? c) Who? d) Ready 6) There are markers and glue in my school bag a) What? b) Where? c) In whose bag? d) Ready 7) The teacher forgot to return pupils their copy books a) What do? b) Whom? c) Whose copy books? d) Ready

Special Questions




