to have a row - to argue, to put someone at ease - to make someone feel relaxed, to listen enthusiastically - to pay a lot of attention to what someone is telling, to establish shared interests - to find things in common which you both like, to ask appropriate questions - to put polite and relevant questions, to have a misunderstanding - to understand another person in a wrong way, to have awkward silences - when none of the people present talks and everyone feels uncomfortable due to it, to put your foot in it - to say sth by accident that embarrasses or upsets someone, to make small talk - to have a social conversation about unimportant things, to make a good impression - to create a good feeling, to give people a good opinion, to tell an entertaining story - to tell something exciting, to offend someone - to make someone upset or angry, to dominate the conversation - to talk more than everybody else, to hit it off with someone - to be friendly with each other immediately,

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