The setting tells ____ and ____ a story takes place. The ____ is the problem of the story or the challenge a character has to overcome. The lesson or message of the story is called the ____. ____ is the organization of a story in number or time order. The ____ is the big point the author wants readers to know or understand. A story is told in ____ Point of View when the narrator is not a character in the story. This narrator doesn't always know the characters' exact thoughts and ____. A story is told in ____ Point of View when the narrator IS a character in the story. This narrator can share their ____ and feelings with readers. The ____ comes toward the end of the story and tells the solution to the ____ or how the problem was solved. The events of the story make up the ____. A ____ is a comparison of two things using the words "like" or "as". When two things are compared without using the words "like" or "as", this is called a ____. When something is not human but is given human-like qualities or abilities, this is called ____. When an author wants readers to pay attention to strong feelings, they might use a ____ or extreme exaggeration. When characters in a story are talking to one another, their exact words are in quotation marks. This is called ____. A ____ is a word with a similar meaning to another word. An ____ is a word that means the opposite of another word. ____ are words that stand for people, places, things, animals, and ideas. ____ are words that stand for actions or feelings in a sentence.

Literary Elements





