1) _________I put on my socks, I put on my shoes. a) before b) after 2) I put on my pajamas _________ I go to bed. a) before b) after 3) I eat dessert _________ my meal. a) before b) after 4) _________ you put on your coat, go outside. a) before b) after 5) _________ you can eat the cake you need to bake it. a) before b) after 6) _________ you drive, buckle your seatbelt. a) before b) after 7) _________ you eat dinner wash the dishes. a) before b) after 8) _________ you rake the leaves, put away the rake. a) before b) after 9) You have to finish third grade _________ you go to fourth grade. a) before b) after 10) I will buy a ticket _________ the show. a) before b) after

conjunctions: before, after




