1) Feet touching hot sand a) Convection b) Conduction c) Radiation 2) Water moving in a circular motion in a pot of boiling water a) Convection b) Conduction c) Radiation 3) Heat moves from the __________ object to the _____________ object. a) cooler to warmer b) warmer to cooler c) cooler to cooler d) warmer to warmer e) left to right f) right to left 4) Heat transfers between objects when _____________________.  a) One object is warmer than another b) One object is the same temperature as another c) One object is bigger than another 5) Heat transfer between objects that are touching a) Convection b) Conduction c) Radiation 6) Heat transfer in waves a) Convection b) Conduction c) Radiation 7) Heat transfer from the sun a) Convection b) Conduction c) Radiation 8) Heat transfer by hot liquid or gas rising and cooler liquid or gas sinking a) Convection b) Conduction c) Radiation 9) Hot liquids/gases rise because a) They are less dense b) They are more dense c) They are silly 10) Cooler liquids/gases sink because a) They are less dense b) They are more dense c) They are silly 11) Water __________ when it freezes! a) expands b) contracts c) stays the same 12) Metal railroad tracks _____________ during the heat of the day. a) decrease in length b) increase in length c) increase in weight

Energy Transfer Review!




