Respiration - Chemical changes in the cell which break down glucose to release energy, Aerobic respiration - Respiration that requires oxygen, Glucose - The respiratory substrate which is broken down in respiration, Oxygen - Required for aerobic respiration, Pyruvate - Product of stage 1 of respiration, ATP - Lots produced during aerobic respiration, Mitochondria - Organelle in a cell where stage 2 of aerobic respiration takes place, Cytoplasm - Site in a cell where stage 1 of respiration takes place, Enzymes - Control the rate of respiration, Fermentation (plant /yeast cells) - Respiration that lacks oxygen and produces CO2 and ethanol., Fermentation (animal cells) - Respiration that lacks oxygen and produces lactate, Lactate - product of fermentation in animal cells, Ethanol - product of fermentation in plant and yeast cells, Respirometer - Apparatus used to measure rate of respiration.,

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