1) I have a lot of homework to do. What can I control? a) My effort and attitude. b) How much homework I get. 2) You want to win a writing contest. What can you control? a) Winning the contest.  b) How how hard I work to prepare for the contest. 3) A classmate cuts you in line. What can you control? a) If you tell on him or not.  b) How you respond with your words. c) If you push him out of the way. d) All of the choices. 4) Your library book is due tomorrow. What can you control? a) Asking a parent for a ride so you can return to the book. b) Driving yourself to the library to drop it off. 5) You are worried about a test in class tomorrow. What can you control? a) What's on the test. b) Your effort on the test. c) When you take the test. 6) I can control my thoughts. a) True b) False 7) I can control how other people feel. a) True b) False 8) Managing my emotions means I should never feel bad. a) True b) False 9) What can I control when getting ready for school in the morning? a) If I get distracted or not. b) If I'm ready on time. c) What order I do things to get ready. d) How fast I get ready. e) All of the choices. 10) I can learn to control my actions when I feel powerful emotions. a) True b) False

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