I'll leave - saldré, she won't know - no sabrá, we will sell - venderemos, we'll come - vendremos, you'll have fun - te divertirás, they won't go - no irán, you all (inf) won't see - no veréis, you all will have fun - se divertirán, I will follow you - te seguiré, she'll follow us - nos seguirá, we won't follow it - no lo seguiremos, I won't tell you - no te diré, Will you tell me? - ¿Me dirás?, Will you give them to me? - ¿Me los darás?, I won't give them to her - No se los daré, We'll have - tendremos, I won't be able - no podré, they'll set - pondrán, you all (inf) will be able - podréis, it will be - será, there won't be - no habrá, there will be - habrá, I won't be (location) - no estaré, You'll have to - tendrás que, She'll make it (paella) for me - me la hará, will you light? - ¿Encenderás?, will they know? - ¿Sabrán?, They will go - irán, Will you make it? - ¿Lo harás?, I'll make it for you - te haré,

El Futuro




