1) Take the t from trap. What new word did you make? a) tree b) rap c) app d) tray 2) Take the f from farm. What new word did you make? a) farm b) fam c) arm d) firm 3) Take the r from the word rice. What new word did you make? a) ric b) ice c) red d) rie 4) Take the t from twig. What new word did you make? a) twist b) ig c) wig d) twin 5) Take the f from fear. What new word did you make? a) ear b) feet c) fer d) ar 6) Take the gr from grape. What new word do you have? a) rap b) gape c) ape d) gape 7) Take the b from blow. What new word do you have? a) bow b) low c) glow d) blow 8) Take the s from spork. What new word do you have? a) fork b) pork c) ork d) spock 9) Take the p from the word park. What new word do you have? a) pak b) ark c) dark d) art 10) Take the s from spin. What new word do you have? a) sin b) skip c) in d) pin

Phoneme Deletion





