Elective Courses - Classes that are not required for your major, Prerequisite - A class required before student can take a particular course, Syllabus - A written outline of a course handed out by the instructor on the first day of class, due dates that may or may not be fixed, office hours, textbook information, Transcripts - Official record of student’s work, showing courses, credits earned, and grades, Extracurricular - activities done outside of the academic curriculum such as clubs, sports, and etc., Registrar - An official from an University who is responsible for registering students into classes and keeping track of student’s records, Academic Advisor - An official helping a student figure out academic track / plan. This faculty member would help in any major/minor changes and help you figure out a plan on how to graduate from the institution on time., Admissions Office - An administrative officer where students would contact on application status’ and any questions about admissions to the university / college, Bookstore - Where students are able to purchase their textbooks for specific courses. Most professors send a list out to the school’s bookstore for students to buy. Textbooks for the course will be listed in the syllabus., Dining Hall - Where students are able to purchase prepared meals from the University. Can use Residence plans to pay for food or their own money., Campus Security - The individuals on campus to make sure students are in a safe environment and carry out disciplinary actions with those in charge of campus life., Dean - An academic administrator in a college / university that has authority and oversees a specific academic unit and faculty to achieve that unit's academic goals., Provost - A senior academic administrator who oversees the overall development of all educational programs that a college / university offers., Department - A unit in an institution that is a specific subject, Department Chair - The university administrator member in charge of a specific department. This faculty member would be of help for any approvals on certain classes for certain majors., Excused Absence - An absence that the professor approved of., Credit - Each credit hour is one hour spent in class per week. For example: if a class is 3.00 credits then that class is meeting three times a week for one hour each (some schools may look slightly different)., Full time Student - A student who is taking a minimum of 12 to 15 credits which equals out to 4 to 5 three credit courses., Part time Student - A student who is taking 11 credits or less (either three or less courses), Health Services - The health center on campus to provide low cost primary medical needs and resources for students on campus., Wellness Center - The wellness center may provide counseling, safety hotlines, safe spaces, wellness programming to help students learn how to improve their mental health, Add/drop deadline - The time period where you can add a course to your schedule or withdraw from a course. If you drop a course before the deadline, then it would not show on your transcripts. If you drop a course after the deadline, it will show up on your transcripts as a “W” or “WD” for withdrawal., Work study - A job on campus that you can receive money for doing. It comes from your financial aid package to see if you are eligible and can also allow you to do your homework while on the job., Associates Degree - 60 credits, 2 year program, Bachelors Degree - 120 credits, 4 year program, Core curriculum - General education courses that you are required to take that are not a part of your major. It is helpful to know what the core requirements are so that you can plan the courses for all four years how you would like to., Commencement - Graduation,
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