1) If you get a weird email saying your on the lottery what should you do? a) Tell your parents b) Give them all your information c) Respond yay I’m so happy and give the your information 2) If a random number says its someone you know and they need money what should you do? a) Give them your parents credit card number b) Block the number and tell a parent c) Tell them okay and give them the credit card number 3) A random person on the internet wants your social security number what should you do? a) Let them have it b) Say no but not tell a parent c) Tell a parent 4) If someone claims to be related to you and asks for money what should you do ? a) Tell a parent b) Respond no but keep texting with the person c) Give them the money 5) If someone asks for your password and username for your favorite game what should you do? a) Give them it b) Tell a parent c) Say no but give them a friend request 6) You have a new password for an email address who should you tell? a) A parent b) Your best friend jimmy c) A random person 7) What is a good password? a) Hi b) 123456 c) Password d) JimmyLikesBananas294305

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