When using a pillar drill, you must make the following machine checks: a. Material must be secure in a ____ or ____. b. The drill bit must be secure in the ____. c. The chuck ____ must be removed d. The work table must be secured at the correct ____. e. The guard must be in the ____ position f. The ____ stop must be correctly set. When using a pillar drill, you must make the following personal safety checks: a. the user must wear ____ to protect their eyes. b. the user must have long ____ tied back. c. the user must have no loose ____. d. the user must have no loose ____ around their hands/ wrists. When using a belt sander, you must make the following machine checks: a. the belt is free from damage and ____. b. the ____ of the work table is correctly set. c. the guard sits slightly ____ the thickness of the material being sanded. d. the ____ extraction system is turned on. When using a tenon saw, you must make the following tool safety checks: a. the ____ of the blade are not broken or damaged. b. the handle and ____ of the blade are secure. When using a bevel-edged chisel, you must make the following tool safety checks: a. the cutting edge of the blade is free from ____. b. the handle is secure and has no ____. When using a bevel-edged chisel, you must make the following personal safety checks: a. the blade is pointed ____ and away from the body. b. both hands remain ____ the cutting edge at all times.

Health & Safety - Personal, Machine and Tool Safety Checks




