If you could start your own YouTube channel, what would it be called?, What sport do you like the most ?, What have you learned during "quarantine"? , What is your favorite social media to use and why?, What is your favorite movie and/or television show?, Who is your favorite singer/band/musical artist?, What is your favorite type of food and/or restaurant? , What is your favorite book or what is your favorite type of books to read?, What is your favorite store to shop at?, If you could meet one celebrity, who would it be and why?, What is your favorite summertime activity?, If you could keep any animal as a pet, what would it be?, If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?, What is your favorite ice cream flavor? And do you like it at all?, Who is your favorite YouTuber OR what is your favorite thing to watch on YouTube?, Who is your favorite actor? What is your favorite movie/show that they star in? , How would you describe yourself?, What's your favorite thing to do after work?.




