workaholic - a person who can't stop working hard, a weirdo - a strange person, a bunch of friends - a group of friends, binoculars - a pair of special glasses, that you hold up to your eyes to look at objects that are a long distance awa, to pretend  - to behave as if something is true when in fact you know it is not, in order to deceive people or for fun, to tease - to laugh at someone and make jokes in order to have fun by embarrassing them, either in a friendly way or in an unkind way, to catch up with - to spend time finding out what has been happening while you have been away or during the time you have not seen someone, to come across smth - to meet, find, or discover someone or something by chance, to get on well with - if people get on, they like each other and have a friendly relationship with each other, to have smth in common - to have the same interests, attitudes etc as someone else,

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