True: Wudhu requires us to only wash certain body parts, whereas Ghusul requires washing the entire body. , The water must be pure is one of the condition for Ghusl, The first stage of Ghusl Tarteebi is washing head and neck, second is right side of the body and third is to wash left side of the body., Ghusl Istimasi is done in one stage, submerging of the entire body under water., You can perform Tayammum if performing Ghusl becomes harmful for you., False: Ghusl Irtimaasi means washing the body in stages, Ghusl Irtimasi can also be done under a shower, Wudhu and Ghusl are basically the same things and we have a choice to choose between the two., There are no Wājib Ghusls only Mustahab,

Gr 5 Fiqh 4.1 Ghusl




