Coeliac - I have intolerance to gluten. This means that Icannot eat cereals such as wheat, rye, barley and oats., Pregnant - I have to avoid alcohol, pate, undercooked orraw egg, rare meat, soft cheese and liver. I have to follow a balanced dietincluding folic acid found in green leafy vegetables., Lactose Intolerant - I have an intolerance to the natural sugar foundin milk. I have to avoid milk and dairy products., Diabetic - I have to avoid eating too many sugary foods. Imust also follow a healthy, balanced diet., Heart Disease - I have to follow a low calorie diet. I have toavoid foods high in fat and sugar. I have to eat more fruit, vegetables andwholegrain., Elderly - I am unable to eat chewy foods. I try to eatfoods high in calcium. I do not like to eat very spicy foods and prefer smallerportions., Lacto-vegetarian - I do not eat meat, poultry, fish or eggs. I doeat dairy products.,

Special Diets





