1) Our worries are triggered & ideas, candidates, or products are shown to put our worries to rest. a) Fear b) transfer c) plain folks d) glittering generality 2) Symbols, quotes, or images of beautiful people are used to convey a message- the message has nothing to do with them. a) fear b) glittering generality c) transfer d) bandwagon 3) Everyone is doing it- you should too! The implication is that you must JOIN in to FIT in. a) transfer b) bandwagon c) fear d) plain folks 4) This idea, product, or person is associated with normal, everyday people and activities. a) bandwagon b) glittering generality c) name calling d) plain folks 5) advertising that intentionally causes consumers to feel some feelings. a) plain folks b) emotional ideas c) testimonial d) name calling 6) A famous person endorses an idea, a product, a candidate & If someone famous uses this product, believes this idea, or supports this candidate, so should we. a) testimonial b) emotional idea c) transfer d) name calling 7) A commonly admired virtue is used to inspire positive feelings for a person, idea, or product.- may have no link to the actual product a) bandwagon b) glittering generality c) testimonial d) plain folks 8) A negative word is attached to an idea, product, or person. a) testimonial b) plain folk c) name calling d) faulty reasoning 9) Factual supporting details are used though they do not support the conclusion. a) name calling b) emotional idea c) testimonial d) faulty reasoning

Propaganda Techniques




