Tigris & Euphrates - two major rivers in Mesopotmia, Fertile Crescent - a large arc of rich farmland extending from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean Sea, rivers - these flooded and helped produce fertile soil, soil - if fertile, it was good for growing crops, irrigation - a way of supplying water, such as canals, ditches, and levees, to an area of land, fertile farmland & water - why crops grew well in Mesopotamia, gated ditches & levees - how Sumerians solved the problem of flooding, Iraq - today's country where Mesopotamia was once located, surplus - an extra supply of something, specialization - type of arrangment in which each worker specializes in a particular task or job, Sumerians - people in Mesopotamia who developed the world's first civilization, access to resources - one factor that made Mesopotamia right for settlement, sources of food & to transport goods - why waterways are a key factor in early settlements, wheel, plow, cuneiform, ziggurat, irrigation systems, first cities - inventions of the Sumerians,

Geography of Mesopotamia




