1) break a) broke, broken b) read, read c) saw, seen d) got, got 2) hear a) left, left b) ate, eaten c) got, got d) heard, heard 3) drink a) said, said b) brought, brought c) broke, broken d) drank, drunk 4) eat a) ate, eaten b) had, had c) made, made d) broke, broken 5) put a) put, put b) ate, eaten c) read, read d) bought, bought 6) have a) took, taken b) had, had c) brought, brought d) made, made 7) say a) said, said b) heard, heard c) left, left d) bought, bought 8) buy a) drank, drunk b) bought, bought c) ate, eaten d) was/were, been 9) make a) gave, given b) put, put c) left, left d) made, made 10) bring a) said, said b) read, read c) swam, swum d) brought, brought 11) leave a) left, left b) said, said c) drank, drunk d) came, come 12) see a) saw, seen b) gave, given c) ate, eaten d) did, done 13) be a) was/were, been b) said, said c) made, made d) heard, heard 14) do a) did, done b) took, taken c) saw, seen d) got, got 15) come a) was/were, been b) drank, drunk c) came, come d) saw, seen 16) read a) left, left b) was/were, been c) drank, drunk d) read, read 17) get a) got, got b) ate, eaten c) did, done d) read, read 18) give a) left, left b) read, read c) made, made d) gave, given 19) swim a) gave, given b) took, taken c) left, left d) swam, swum 20) take a) brought, brought b) took, taken c) bought, bought d) swam, swum

GG3 Quiz Irregular verbs 3 forms




