1) Who are these twins? a) Romulus and Remi b) Remulus and Romus c) Remi and Jimmy d) Romulus and Remus e) Toad of toad hall f) Gummy bear 2) The twins were royal ...? a) kings b) queens c) bees d) princes e) jelly f) butter 3) Their evil _______ wanted to become king instead of them. a) cabbage b) aunty c) uncle d) friend e) shadow f) toe nail 4) The babies were placed in a ______and thrown into the River Tiber. a) canoe b) dinghy c) ship d) large welly e) basket f) rucksac 5) They were rescued by a ______ a) dog b) she-wolf c) red wolf d) tiger e) womble f) mouse 6) Time went by, then a ______ spotted them and rescued them. a) seagull b) mushroom c) farmer d) policeman e) roman soldier f) shepherd 7) The twins found out the they were ________. a) lost b) very smelly c) heirs to the throne d) owed 25p e) on TV f) never going to grow tall. 8) They took back their throne by_________. a) asking politely b) tickling the evil relative c) telling a joke d) killing the bad man e) paying the baddy off f) playing hide and seek 9) The boys argued and ________ was killed a) the TV b) an eagle c) Romulus d) Remus e) Christmas f) a cheese butty 10) _______ became king of _________ a) Mr Warner : England b) Remus : Rome c) Noo Noo : the green hill d) Romulus : Rome e) Toady : Middleton f) Tim : king of the hill 11) Rome is found in which country? a) Romania b) Russia c) Italy d) Scotland e) Egypt f) Spain 12) The Romans were superb ______. a) talkers b) child minders c) fighters d) chefs e) writers f) singers

Romulus and Remus




