bargaining - negotiate the terms of an agreement with somebody for something in return, basic needs - fundamental essentials of life, basic nursing skills - attention to detail, critical thinking, decision making skills, verbal and written communication skills, basic nutrition - eating health and a balanced diet, basic rights - basic rights and freedoms that belong to every person, bathing - using water and soap to keep the body clean, bed bath - a wash that you give to someone who cannot leave their bed, bed cradle - apparatus used to keep bed covers from pushing down on the feet, bed height - level the bed should be at for comfort, bed making - process of changing the linens, bedrest - order by the doctor to ensure patient stays in bed, behavior - the way in which one acts or conducts oneself especially towards others, beliefs - acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists, true or real, biohazard - something that may cause harm to people or the environment , bladder training - re-establishing a routine of normal bladder function, blindness - inability to see your surrounding, blood pressure - pressure exerted by the blood against the walls of the blood vessels, body mechanics - way the parts of the body work together when you move, body system - group of organs and tissues that work together to perform important functions of the body, body temperature - measure of how well your body can make and get rid of heat,

CNA Exam Vocab - B's #1 (bargaining-body temp)




