PORTAL HYPERTENSION - Increased pressure throughout the portal venous system that results from obstruction of blood flow into and through the damaged liver., HEMOLYTIC JAUNDICE - Result of an increased destruction of the RBCs. This type of jaundice often does not produce symptoms or complications. However, if prolonged, it predisposes the formation of pigment stones in the gallbladder, and if levels exceed 20-25 mg/dL it poses a risk for CNS effects, HEPATOCELLULAR JAUNDICE - Inability of damaged liver cells to clear normal amounts of bilirubin from the blood. Can be from yellow fever, Epstein Barr Virus, Chemical Toxins, Alcohol. Often mildly or severely ill, anorexia, nausea, malaise, fatigue, weakness, weight loss, headache, chills, infection/, OBSTRUCTIVE JAUNDICE - Bile cannot flow normally into the intestine and becomes backed up into the liver. Can be caused by occlusion of the bile duct from a gallstone, inflammatory processes, tumors, pressure from an enlarged organ, ASCITES - Increased abdominal girth, rapid weight gain. SOB, uncomfortable, striae, distended veins over abdominal wall, umbilical hernias, fluid and electrolyte imbalances, HEPATIC ENCEPHALOPATHY - Mental status changes and motor disturbances. Confused, unkept, mood and sleep alterations, sleeping during the day, restlessness and insomnia at night. Overtime can progress to coma and seizures. Asterixis, Apraxia, Fector, Hepaticus. Hyperactive DTR in the beginning, but disappear and extremities become flaccid over time., FECTOR HEPATICUS - Sweet, slightly fecal odor to the breath, presumed to be of intestinal origin., ASTERIXIS - Involuntary flapping of the hands., APRAXIA - Inability to reproduce a simple figure in two or three dimensions., PRURITUS - Intensely itchy skin . Can be treated with Cholestyramine, HEREDITARY HYPERBILIRUBINEMIA - Increased serum bilirubin levels that can be caused by Gilbert Syndrome, Dubin-Johnson Syndrome, Rotor Syndrome, Cholestatic Jaundice with pregnancy (benign), GILBERT SYNDROME - Familial disorder characterized by an increased level of unconjugated bilirubin that causes jaundice., DUBIN-JOHNSON SYNDROME - Chronic, idiopathic jaundice, with pigment in the liver, ROTOR SYNDROME - Chronic familial conjugated hyperbilirubinemia, without pigment in the liver, CHOLESTATIC JAUNDICE  - Benign. With retention of conjugated bilirubin, probably secondary to unusual sensitivity to the hormones in pregnancy,





