How many new words have you learnt this week?, How many new words have you learnt this week?, How long have you been studying English?, Have you made any new friends recently?, How long have you known your best friend?, How long have you been watching your favorite TV series?, How many Whatsapp messages have you written this week?, Have you recently been writing more or less emails than usual?, How many hours have you spent writing emails/ texts/ letters so far this week?, How many hours have you spent reading emails/ texts/ letters so far this week?, How long have you been working in your present job/studying at your present school/college?, How many times have you met your best friend this month?, How many books have you read in your whole life?, How many times have you been at the cinema this year?, How many times have you been to Paraguay?, How long have you been doing this speaking activity?, How long have you know your current teacher?, How many times have you started a new diet?, Have you ever lost your phone? How many times have you lost it?, How much water have you drunk today?.

Present Perfect Simple vs. Present Perfect Continuous





