1900 - The average ____ ____ of a Liverpool mine worker was ____. Trade Disputes Act 1906 - Introduced that trade unions ____ ____ be sued for ____ during ____ action. The ____ Age ____ Act 1908 - Provided a state pension for ____. ____ Insurance Act 1911 - Introduced a ____ to ensure that people got a ____ if they were ____ to work. Education Act 1944 - Enshrined that ____ ____ were not to be ____ upon ____. Contracts of ____ ____ 1963 - Introduced the ____ to be given a contract of employment and the right to a ____ statutory ____ of termination. ____ Payments Act 1965 - After a ____ period of work, gave people the ____ to a ____ payment when made ____. Race ____ Act 1965 - Made it ____ to ____ on grounds of ____ in ____ and ____. 1968 - ____ at Ford Motor Company Limited's ____ plant by ____ demanding equal pay. This has been ____ in the film 'Made in Dagenham'. ____ ____ Act 1970 (came into force in 1975) - ____ and ____ to be paid the ____ ____ for the same ____. Industrial Relations Act 1971 - ____ for ____ ____ introduced. Trade Union and Labour Relations Act 1974 - Introduced rules on ____ unions ____ and ____ status and immunity of ____ who take ____ action in ____ or ____ of a trade dispute. Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 - Defined the ____ structure and ____ for the ____, ____ and ____ of workplace ____, ____ and ____ within the United Kingdom. Sex Discrimination Act 1975 - Made ____ in work, education or training on grounds of ____ unlawful. Protected ____ and ____ from discrimination ____ on sex or ____ status. Employment Protection Act 1975 - Made it ____ to dismiss someone on ____ of ____ or ____ leave. Procedures for making ____ regulated. Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 1981 - ____ employees' ____ and ____ when a business or undertaking, or part of one, was ____ to a new employer. The Equal Pay (Amendment) Act 1985 - Sought to ____ that ____ were ____ the ____ as men for work of ____ ____. 1990 - ____ ____ for women is ____. For the first time, ____ women are taxed ____ from their ____. Employment Act 1990 - All ____ of closed ____ (a place of work where all ____ must belong to one trade union) were made ____. Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 - ____ Trade Unions' rights and ____, protected striking ____ and provided a framework for ____ ____. Disability Discrimination Act 1995 - Gave ____ for ____ people in ____ and in respect of access to services. Employment Rights Act 1996 - Codified ____ law on individual ____ rights. Protection from Harassment Act 1997 - Provided protection from ____, stalking and any form of ____ conduct which ____ another person alarm or ____. Data Protection Act 1998 - ____ introduced to ____ the protection of ____ data in the UK. Working Time Regulations 1998 - ____ the right to 20 paid ____ per year, ____ from work, and ____ to limit excessively long ____ ____. National Minimum Wage Act 1998 - Introduced a ____ ____ ____ in April 1999 at £____ per ____ for over ____. Maternity and ____ Leave Regulations 1999 - Guaranteed ____ leave for 52 ____ in ____. The ____ Discrimination (____ Reassignment) Regulations - 1999 - Made it ____ for employers to ____ against ____ people.

Employment History 1900s




