itis - inflammation, stenosis - narrowing, meato - passage or opening, lipo - fat tissue, athero - fatty deposit, embol - something that blocks/obstructs, valv - heart valve, lapaxy - to empty out, algia - pain, spasm - involuntary contration of a muscle, pexy - to hold or fasten, thrombo - blood clot, lith - stone, genic - origin, producing from, plasty - reconstruct or repair with surgery, metro - measure, graphy - process of recording, stomy - surgical opening, peri - near or surrounding, graph - instrument used to record, brady - slow, tachy - fast, ectomy - surgical removal, rrhaphy - surgical suturing, megaly - largeness, scope - instrument for examining, scopy - process of examining, tomy - surgical incision, cut,

Medical Terms Chpt 10 B




