1) Would you rather carry a flip phone or only use a desktop computer? 2) Would you rather never play video games again or never use your favorite mobile app again? 3) Would you rather spend a day without your phone or a day with no people at all? 4) Would you rather only use email to communicate or only use voice calls (no video calls)? 5) Would you rather read only e-books or read only physical books? 6) Would you rather live without a microwave or live without a toaster? 7) Would you rather have no air conditioning or no heating? 8) Would you rather only charge your phone once a week or not have a camera on your phone? 9) Would you rather never use a GPS or only be able to drive stick shift cars? 10) Would you rather only use Netflix or only use Hulu? 11) Would you rather have to listen to only Justin Bieber or only Ariana Grande for the rest of your life? 12) Would you rather only be able to watch movies starring The Rock or only be able to watch movies starring Leonardo DiCaprio? 13) Would you rather win an Oscar but not get to attend the ceremony or present an Oscar but not win anything? 14) Would you rather host Saturday Night Live or be the Bachelor/Bachelorette? 15) Would you rather meet Oprah or Dr. Phil? 16) Would you rather be a famous rapper or a famous singer? 17) Would you rather be a famous songwriter or a famous drummer? 18) Would you rather win American Idol or American Ninja Warrior? 19) Would you rather tour with a famous band or tour with a famous comedian? 20) Would you rather perform at the Super Bowl halftime show or play football in the Super Bowl? 21) Would you rather have to switch closets with your dad or only wear the clothes your grandma buys for you? 22) Would you rather be an only child or have ten siblings? 23) Would you rather have a famous family member or be the famous family member? 24) Would you rather have your own family reality TV show or have your own family band? 25) Would you rather be the oldest child or the youngest child? 26) Would you rather have your grandma or your grandpa follow you around school for the day? 27) Would you rather own a restaurant with your family or own a retail clothing store with your family? 28) Would you rather have to do laundry for your family or cook meals for your family? 29) Would you rather eat out by yourself or eat at home with your family? 30) Would you rather take care of all your family’s pets or have no pets at all? 31) Would you rather never wear deodorant or have really bad dandruff? 32) Would you rather wear winter clothes all year long or summer clothes all year long? 33) Would you rather cover yourself in peanut butter or ketchup? 34) Would you rather only use dog shampoo or never cut your toenails? 35) Would you rather eat moldy bread or eat moldy cheese? 36) Would you rather have your dog kiss you or your grandma kiss you? 37) Would you rather have terrible gas all the time or burp out loud constantly? 38) Would you rather eat a rotten banana or a rotten egg? 39) Would you rather always have the hiccups or always have big sweat stains under your arms? 40) Would you rather sniff expired milk or sniff rotten eggs? 41) Would you rather teach a class in high school or have your parents teach one of your classes? 42) Would you rather go to school four days a week for 10 hours or five days a week for eight hours? 43) Would you rather sing in front of the whole school or be in a spelling bee in front of the entire school? 44) Would you rather clean the bathrooms at your school or clean up after lunch in the cafeteria at your school? 45) Would you rather ride the bus to school or walk to school? 46) Would you rather have access to the teacher’s lounge or be able to drive a school bus? 47) Would you rather say the morning announcements or be the school sports commentator? 48) Would you rather be Prom King/Queen or valedictorian? 49) Would you rather handwrite all your homework or use the computer to do it, but you always get one letter grade lower than you usually would? 50) Would you rather get the highest score on the SAT at your school or be the best athlete at your school? 51) Would you rather have ten kids or no kids at all? 52) Would you rather ride a bike to work or a horse to work? 53) Would you rather go to your dream college and have a lot of debt or an okay college and have no debt? 54) Would you rather die peacefully at 60 or painfully at 100? 55) Would you rather own a coffee shop or own a bakery? 56) Would you rather be a surgeon or be a college professor? 57) Would you rather take every vacation to Disney World or New York City? 58) Would you rather always have the newest technology or the best food in the world? 59) Would you rather have a mansion or a private jet? 60) Would you rather work for your parents or teach at your high school? 61) Would you rather go on a double date with your parents or with your significant other’s parents? 62) Would you rather be turned down for a dance by someone you do like or asked to a dance by someone you don’t like? 63) Would you rather forget the name of a person you’re on a date with or call them your ex’s name by accident? 64) Would you rather get the stomach bug on a first date or run into your parents on a first date? 65) Would you rather always smell bad around the person you like or always say something embarrassing around the person you like? 66) Would you rather date someone who’s gorgeous but unfunny or someone who’s okay-looking but hilarious? 67) Would you rather go on a great date with someone you disagree about everything with, or go on an okay date with someone you agree with about everything? 68) Would you rather realize halfway through a date that there’s something in your teeth or something in your nose? 69) Would you rather date someone really quiet or someone really loud? 70) Would you rather date someone three feet taller than you or three feet shorter than you?




