are carrying out - Police ... an investigation into a major thef, appearing in court - The trial starts today but the witnesses will be ... tomorrow, went on trial - George Arthur Lode, accused of murdering his wife, today, reach a verdict - The jury are expected to take several days to, a fair trial - It now seems impossible that Harold Graves can receive, be severely punished - That judge believes that all shoplifters should, face a heavy fine - People who park on double yellow lines, face the death penalty - If he is found guilty of murder, he will have to, acts as a deterrent - People often support the death penalty because they say it, suffer the consequences - Anyone who commits a crime has to, harsh sentences - Some judges are more likely to give, hard legal battle - After ..., she won compensation for the accident., winning your case - You will need a very good lawyer if you are going to have any hope of,







