Archeologist - A scientist who studies the physical remains of the past, Camouflage - Disguising yourself to match your surroundings, Canoe - A narrow boat pointed on both ends and powered by paddles, Confederacy - When different groups or tribes join together, Diet - The food that a person or animal eats, Hunter-gatherer - A person who lives by hunting and gathering food rather than growing it, Matrilineal - Family lineage is traced through the women and their children., Middleman - A person who acts as a go- between for the producers of goods or services and the buyers or sellers, Nomadic - Moving from place to place because of the food supply or weather or both, Patrilineal - Family lineage is traced through the men and their children., Sedentary - Staying in one place for a long period of timeStaying in one place for a long period of time, Shaman - A person believed to have the power to summon the spirits and heal the sick, Tipi (Tepee) - A portable home made from animal hides attached to a framework of poles, Travois - A sled for transporting belongings pulled by dogs, Wickiup - A wooden frame house covered by animal hides and grass, Pemmican - Animal fat and meat powder are combined together to make a high protein, high energy bar,

Native Tribes of Texas Vocabulary




