1) List of rules for how the government is organized and works a) Constitution b) Democracy c) Republic d) Represenative Goverment e) Direct Democracy f) Legislative body 2) Rule by the people a) Constitution b) Democracy c) Republic d) Represenative Goverment e) Direct Democracy f) Legislative body 3) Safeguarded your rights. Often has a constitution a) Constitution b) Democracy c) Republic d) Represenative Goverment e) Direct Democracy f) Legislative body 4) People elect others to vote on your behalf a) Constitution b) Democracy c) Republic d) Represenative Goverment e) Direct Democracy f) Legislative body 5) Every citizen votes on every issue a) Constitution b) Democracy c) Republic d) Represenative Goverment e) Direct Democracy f) Legislative body 6) Law Making Group a) Constitution b) Democracy c) Republic d) Represenative Goverment e) Direct Democracy f) Legislative body 7) The idea to divide government into multiple different parts a) Polis b) Consuls c) Veto d) Tribunes e) Rule of Law f) Seperation of Powers 8) The idea that law applies to everyone a) Polis b) Consuls c) Veto d) Tribunes e) Rule of Law f) Seperation of Powers 9) The people's own special represenatives a) Polis b) Consuls c) Veto d) Tribunes e) Rule of Law f) Seperation of Powers 10) To reject a) Polis b) Consuls c) Veto d) Tribunes e) Rule of Law f) Seperation of Powers 11) The equvalent of a president... There were two of these at one time a) Polis b) Consuls c) Veto d) Tribunes e) Rule of Law f) Seperation of Powers 12) What is the word for City-State a) Polis b) Consuls c) Veto d) Tribunes e) Rule of Law f) Seperation of Powers 13) Which of the following is not true about Athens. a) They created rule of law b) They are one of the earlier example of constition. c) They had a republic d) They made their canidates have term limites 14) Which of the following is true about Rome a) They had a direct democracy b) They are one of the earliest examples of a constituiton c) They had rule of law d) All their power was divdied into one branch 15) Which of the following were the three branches in Roman government a) Senate, Consuls, and Assemblies b) King, Consuls, and Emperor c) There was only one Branch 16) Which showed that the Romans had Rule of Law a) Agora b) Gladius c) Colesium d) 12 Tables 17) Which is an example of Checks and Balances that the romans had? a) Veto b) The ability for jduges to rule laws unconstitional c) Their was no Checks and Balances in Rome 18) Who had the right to vote in ancient greece a) Women b) Slaves c) Men d) Children 19) If a famous person breaks the law, what ensures they will have a punishment a) Rule of law b) Direct Democracy c) Seperation of Powers d) Republic 20) Which is most true abotu Roman government a) Every citizen was able to vote b) They would chose represenatives to represent thier interest. 21) Which infleunced the concepts of "cities" in our country a) Greek Polis b) Greek Direct Democracy c) 12 Tables d) Greek/Roamn Voting Rights 22) Which of the following is a way the ancient Greeks showed civic particiaption a) They served as consuls b) They were required to pay c) They served on jury duty 23) Which of the following is a way the ancient Greeks showed civic particiaption a) They worked as praetors b) They served om the military c) They would run for the position of emperor 24) What is the term for the Greek legislative body a) Assemblies b) Praetors c) Republic 25) What is NOT a key concept of the Judeo-Christian Traditoin that our founders implemented into our own country a) Everyone has worth b) People should take responsibility for their own ations c) When people do bad things they should be punished d) Life is about personal gain/glory 26) What is NOT a key concept of the Judeo-Christian Traditoin that our founders implemented into our own country a) Everyone has worth b) People should take responsibility for their own ations c) When people do bad things they should be punished d) Life is about personal gain/glory e) Rule of law
Ch. 1 Greek and Roman Orgins
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