open your heart - share your deepest feelings, bare your heart/soul - share secret (often dramatic) feelings with someone else, pour your heart out - share secret worries with someone else, your heart misses/skips a beat - you suddenly feel so excited or frightened that your heart beats faster, someone's heart is in the right place - someone is good even if they sometimes behave the wrong way, have a change of heart - change your opinion or the way you feel, break someone's heart - make someone very sad (often someone who loves you), your heart sinks - you start to feel sad or worried, a man/woman after my own heart - someone who you admire because they do or believe the same as you, have a heart-to-heart - have a serious conversation and express your feelings openly, take something to heart - take something (usually criticism) seriously, lose heart - stop believing that you can succeed, to your heart's content - you do it as much as you want to because you enjoy it, put your heart and soul into something - put a great deal of effort and determination into something  , have your heart set on something - be determined to achieve something, learn something off by heart - memorise something so that you can recite it perfectly,

heart idioms






