1) Who are the founders of it? a) Guardia Vieja b) Eva Allyon c) Arturo Cavero 2) When it was first introduced? a) 1956 b) 1842 c) 1944 3) When peruvians celebrate it? a) October 30th b) October 31th c) November 1st 4) What instrument is nearly always used? a) Ukulele b) Guitar c) Drummer 5) What dish is the most eaten? a) Chicken rice b) Fettuccini c) Turrón 6) Creole composers _______ in concerts. a) look b) sing c) dance 7) Also, some people _________ in festivals. a) ate b) dance c) show 8) People like __________ creole music. a) listen b) listened c) listening 9) It is very common to see people ________ chicha. a) drinking b) eat c) drink 10) Creole _______ celebrate it on October 31th. a) personas b) people c) pets 11) Eva Ayllon is a creole ____________. a) instrument b) creator c) composer 12) People celebrate it in Lima _______. a) plaz b) centre c) capital 13) Creole Song Day is a coastal ___________ in Lima. a) celebrate b) cellabracion c) celebration 14) Manuel Prado _____ the Creole Song Day. a) started b) cleaned c) starting 15) Many people ______ a trip that day. a) goed b) booked c) reservation 16) Relatives _______ peruvian food that day. a) buyed b) bought c) selled 17) Peruvians __________ reunions with their relatives that week. a) organized b) taked c) took 18) Joe's family _________ to creole music all day a) listen b) listened c) listening 19) That day she __________ tradicional clothes to dance. a) learnt b) swam c) used 20) They ___________ celebrate it yesterday. They were focused  a) can not b) can't c) couldn't




