1) India social systems a) Language family b) Hinduism c) Buddhism  d) Caste 2) A major religion that develops in India - Believe in Brahman a) Hinduism b) Buddhism c) Christianism  d) Karma 3) Forces that decides the form that people will be reborn into a) Nirvana b) Karma c) Stupas d) Dharma 4) Person's personal duty based on their place in society a) Dharma b) Karma c) Nirvana d) Reincarnation 5) The rebirth of the soul after death a) Karma b) Reincarnation c) Nirvana d) Stupas 6) Buddha's teachings and the way to live a good and wise life to end suffering. a) Brahman  b) Karma c) Reincarnation d) Dharma 7) An exercise that is used to help a person achieve spiritual inner peace and balance in life. a) Buddihism b) Yoga c) Hinduism  d) Karma 8) Two of India’s most sacred text a) Bhagavad Gita and Ramayana b) Epic of Gilgamesh  and Ramayana c) Divine Comedy and Bhagavad Gita d) The Book of Death and Bhagavad Gita 9) Religion founded by the religious teacher Buddha a) Buddhism  b) Karma c) Hinduism d) Jadism 10) A state of personal happiness and peace - Buddhism a) Nirvana b) Karma c) Reincarnation d) Hinduism 11) Also known as the Buddha, was a wise teacher in ancient India. a) Raja b) Siddhartha GautamaJadi c) Guru d) Vedas 12) Buddhist shrine - usually dome shaped a) Stupas b) Church c) Vedas d) Guru 13) First written language in India a) Cuneiform b) Hieroglyphics c) Sanskrit d) Monsoon 14) A teacher is a a) Raja b) Monsoon c) Guru d) Caste 15) A group of similar languages a) language family b) caste c) guru d) vedas 16) Hinduism God: Brahma a) The Preserver b) The Creator c) The All Mighty d) The Destroyer 17) Prince who gave up everything and became known as the Buddha a) Siddhartha Gautama b) Ramayana c) Aryan d) Ashoka 18) The people who arrived in India and settled by the Indus River Valley a) Aryans b) Shivas c) Maurayans d) Buddhist 19) Person who brought the Mauryan Empire to its greatness strength. After a while, he gave up the throne and became a Buddhist monk committed to non-violence. a) Gandhi b) Buddah c) Ashoka d) Chandra Gupta Maurya 20) Founder of the Gupta Empire a) Buddah b) Chandra Gupta I c) Varna d) Ashoka 21) Indian leader who let a non violent protest for independence a) Harappa b) Ashoka c) Gupta d) Gandhi 22) The 4 social classes of the Caste System are referred as: a) Varnas b) Vedas c) Shivas d) Stupas 23) The 4 social classes of the Caste System for commoner, peasants, servants a) Kshatrya b) Vaishya c) Bhramin d) Sudra e) untouchables 24) The 4 social classes of the Caste System for merchants landowner a) Kshatrya b) Vaishya c) Bhramin d) Sudra e) untouchables 25) The 4 social classes of the Caste System for Warror king a) Kshatrya b) Vaishya c) Bhramin d) Sudra e) untouchables 26) The social classes for out of caste street sweepers, latrine cleaner a) Kshatrya b) Vaishya c) Bhramin d) Sudra e) untouchables 27) Ancient sacred writings of India a) Caste b) Vedas c) Guru d) Raja




