1) Deutschland hat _________ Bundesländer (federal states). a) 16 b) 10 c) 20 d) 8 2) Die Hauptstadt (capital) Deutschlands ist ... a) Munich b) Hamburg c) Bonn d) Berlin 3) Der längste Fluss (longest river) in Deutschland ist... a) die Elbe b) der Rhein (Rhine) c) die Mosel d) der Main 4) The most populated state in Germany ist... a) Nordrhein-Westfalen b) Bayern (Bavaria) c) Schleswig-Holstein d) Niedersachsen 5) The state with the most land area is... a) Berlin b) Saarland c) Bayern (Bavaria) d) Hessen 6) The approximate population of Germany currently... a) 6 million b) 25 million c) 158 million d) 84 million 7) Germany's landscape is flattest in the ... a) North b) South c) East d) West 8) Germany's landscape is most mountainous in the ... a) North b) South c) East d) West 9) The largest lake in Germany which borders 3 countries is known in German by the name... a) Ostsee b) Herrenchiemsee c) Bodensee d) Eibsee 10) Germany borders this many countries.... a) 10 b) 4 c) 6 d) 9 11) Der Schwarzwald is a famous _________ in Germany. a) castle b) lake c) museum d) forest 12) What 2 bodies of water lie east and west of the German state of Schleswig-Holstein and Denmark. (German word) a) Ostsee und Nordsee b) Ostsee und Bodensee c) Nordsee und Bodensee d) Mittlemeer und Eibsee 13) Which of these colors (in German) is not in the German flag? a) rot b) weiß c) schwarz d) gold 14) A landform bordered on 3 sides by water is a ... a) Insel b) Halbinsel c) Erdteil d) Äquator 15) In Texas, the Red, Sabine, Brazos are all types of a ..... (German word) a) Fluss b) Berg c) Bucht d) Tal 16) The German word for our country is... a) Australien b) Kanada c) die Vereinigten Staaten d) Großbritannien 17) Where is the best place to work on getting a tan? a) das Tal b) der Berg c) der Strand d) der Vulkan 18) A long river which flows into the Black Sea is in German... a) die Donau b) die Elbe c) die Weser  d) die Mosel 19) What is the Antarctic Ocean called in German? a) Pazifischer Ozean b) Antarktischer Ozean c) Südlicher Ozean d) Indischer Ozean 20) What large country is west of Germany? (German word) a) Frankreich b) Italien c) Dänemark d) Polen 21) What is the English name of Ungarn? a) Romania b) Croatia c) Slovakia d) Hungary 22) Which country has this flag? (German word) a) Finnland b) Schweden c) Norwegen d) Dänemark 23) This is a picture of this geographic area in Germany. a) die Nordsee b) Lüneberger Heide c) die Alpen d) der Schwarzwald 24) This is the flag of this country (German word). a) Griechenland b) Australien c) Finnland d) Spanien 25) The current chancellor of Germany is... a) Angelika Merkel b) Helmut Kohl c) Olaf Scholz d) Willy Brandt

Deutsche Landeskunde





