1912 - The first machine gun mounted on an airplane was tested., 1898 - The four-month Spanish-American War was fought., 1955 - The USS Nautilus, the world’s first operational nuclear-powered submarine, was put to sea for the first time., 1947 - Unconfirmed claims were made that the U.S. military recovered debris and alien bodies from a spaceship crash in Roswell, New Mexico. (The controversy continues to this day.), 1863 - The M-16 rifle entered Army service., 1861 - The American Civil War began., 1940 - C-rations were field tested by the U.S. Army., 1846 - A two-year war between the U.S. and Mexico began over the status of Texas., 1980 - The F-16 Fighting Falcon entered USAF operational service, 1973 - Mandatory military service in the U.S. was discontinued, 2008 - Ann Dunwoody became the first woman to achieve four-star rank in the U.S. Military., 1947 (a) - The first supersonic flight was made by Capt. Charles “Chuck” Yeager.U.S. military., 1975 - Policies were approved that allowed female service-members who became pregnant to remain on active-duty., 1941 - The “Tuskegee Airmen” became the first African-American pilots in the U.S. military., 1965 - The first American combat troops arrived in Vietnam., 1955 (a) - Men were first accepted into the Army and Air Force Nurse Corps.,

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