librarian - this person works in a building with books I can borrow , banker  - this person works in a building with money , police - this person keeps me safe, mayor - this person is the head of the city , baker - a person who makes bread and desserts , butcher - this person cuts up and sells meat, fireman - this person fights fires, paramedic - this person gives emergency care to those hurt or sick , doctor - I see go to see this person when I am sick , vet - this person takes care of sic or injured animals, volunteer - someone who offers to help others for free, dentist - this person takes care of my teeth , grocery clerk - this person takes my money for the food I buy at the grocery store , pharmacist - this person prepares and hands me my medicine, landscaper - this person takes care of plants and different land , plumber - this person comes to fix my toilet or sink , construction worker - this person builds different buildings , bus driver - this person drives a bus , conductor - this person drives a train , farmer - this person grows our food,

Community Helpers






