conditional - decides whether to skip a section of code, if clause - starts a conditional, condition - asks a yes or no question, comparison operator - compares two values; gives a yes or no answer, then-block - code that might be skipped, : (Colon) - Designates the end of a clause, tab (Indention) - Creates a large space; used to designate a block of code, such as a then-block, < (Less Than) - Left is smaller than right, <= (Less Than or Equal To) - Left is smaller than or the same as right, > (Greater Than) - Left is bigger than right, >= (Greater Than or Equal To) - Left is bigger than or the same as right, == (Equal To) - Both sides are the same, != (Not Equal To) - Both sides are different, SyntaxError: invalid syntax - forgot the : at the end of an if-clause, IndentationError: expected an indented block - forgot to indent your then-block, NameError: name 'variable' is not defined - defined your variable in a then-block that got skipped,





