1) What are the names of the five books of the Torah? a) Bereshit (Genesis), b) Shemot (Exodus) c) Vayikra (Leviticus) d) Bamidbar (Numbers) e) Devarim (Deuteronomy). f) Parsha Noah (Noah) 2) What is a "Parasha"? a) A Parasha is a weekly Torah portion b) A Parasha is a story  c) Parasha is a paragraph 3) What is a "Perek"? a) Perek is verse b) Perek is sefer c) A Perek is a chapter in the Torah. The Torah is divided into chapters for easier reference and study. 4) Answer: What is a "Pasuk"? a) A Pasuk is a chapter b) A Pasuk is a verse in the Torah. Each chapter (Perek) is made up of multiple verses (Psukim). c) APasuk is 2 sentences 5) What is the Hebrew term for the "Ten Commandments"? a) Aseret Hadibrot (עשרת הדיברות). b) Aseret Hasfarim c) the 10 parashot 6) What is the Hebrew term for a "Torah scroll"? a) Tefillin (תפילין) b) Sefer Torah (ספר תורה) c) Mezuzah (מזוזה) d) Chumash (חומש) 7) Who traditionally wrote the Torah? a) King David b) Abraham c) Moshe (Moses) d) Elijah 8) What is the Shema? a) A prayer asking for rain b) A prayer to thank God for food c) A central prayer affirming the belief in one God d) A blessing recited before lighting Shabbat candles 9) What is the Torah written on? a) Paper b) Parchment (Klaf) c) Papyrus d) Silk 10) How many commandments (Mitzvot) are there in the Torah? a) 100 b) 365 c) 248 d) 613 11) Why is the Shema important? a) It is a prayer for rain during the harvest. b) It is a prayer that marks the end of the Torah reading. c) It is a declaration of the Jewish belief in one God and the central tenet of faith in Judaism. d) It is a prayer recited before eating a meal. 12) When is the Torah read? a) Only on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur b) Every day after sunrise c) On Monday, Thursday, and Shabbat (Saturday) d) Only during Passover

The Torah




