1) enter/o a) intestines b) blood c) above; up; upon d) slow 2) gastr/o a) stomach b) feces c) liver d) intestines 3) glyc/o a) sugar b) blood c) blood sugar d) abnormal blood sugar levels 4) hem/o a) blood b) disease c) brain 5) hepat/o a) liver b) lungs c) intestines d) blood 6) lip/o a) fat b) mouth; oral c) above; above normal; upon 7) log/o a) study b) skin c) transfusion; to give 8) my/o a) muscle b) patient c) disease d) far away from 9) nas/o a) nose b) oral c) inflammation 10) nephr/o a) kidney b) intestines c) nose 11) neur/o a) nerve b) brain c) lungs 12) or/o a) mouth b) eyes c) ears d) nose 13) oste/o a) bone b) disease c) illness d) ointment 14) path/o a) disease b) ointment c) illnesss 15) pulmon/o a) lung b) intestines c) abnormal breathing condition 16) rhin/o a) nose b) ears c) mouth d) fingers 17) sarc/o a) flesh:connecting tissue b) separation of skin 18) thorac/o a) chest b) heart c) lungs 19) uter/o a) uterus b) area below stomach 20) a-,an- a) not;without b) with; belonging to 21) ante- a) before b) after 22) anti- a) against b) away from point of origin 23) bi- a) two;both b) alone 24) brady- a) slow b) fast 25) endo- a) in; within b) without 26) epi- a) on; over; upon b) alone c) below, under 27) hyper- a) above; above normal; excessive b) below; below normal 28) hypo- a) below normal b) above normal 29) inter- a) between b) away from c) infront of 30) intra- a) within;into b) intertwined 31) peri- a) around or surrounding b) away from point of origin 32) sub- a) below or under b) above; ontop 33) supra- a) above b) below 34) tachy- a) fast b) slow 35) trans- a) across b) below c) above d) combined 36) ultra- a) beyond b) below c) under d) above 37) -algia a) pain b) accident c) complaining of 38) -ectomy a) surgical removal b) removal of intestines 39) -emia a) blood condition b) nausea c) abnormal cell treatment 40) -gen a) substance that produces b) substance that cannot produce liquid 41) -ia a) condition b) disease c) ilness d) ointment 42) -megaly a) enlargement b) smaller than usual 43) -oma a) tumor b) cell c) abnormal cell 44) -osis a) process or abnormal condition b) normal condition c) above usual amont 45) -plasty a) surgical repair b) uterus c) opening 46) -stomy a) surgical opening b) process of stitching up 47) -tomy a) process of cutting b) process of stitching back up 48) -um a) structure or tissue or thing b) neither c) bone 49) anter/o a) front b) back 50) bol/o a) cast; throw b) boils c) lump 51) carcin/o a) cancer b) skin c) cell 52) caud/o a) tail b) back bone c) spine 53) cephal/o a) head b) brain c) cranium 54) chondr/o a) cartilage b) skin c) bone d) tissue 55) dist/o a) far away from point of origin b) close from point of origin 56) dors/o a) back of body b) front of body c) below the body ( feet) 57) fibr/o a) fiber b) stomach c) intestines 58) hist/o a) tissue b) blood c) cell d) skin 59) is/o a) same or equal b) not the same or equal to 60) kary/o a) nucleus b) eukaryotic c) prokaryotic 61) later/o a) side b) up c) back 62) a- a) not or without b) with c) containment of fluid 63) pro- a) before;forward b) below; under 64) -blast a) developing cell b) cell c) eukaryotic 65) -genesis a) formation b) muscle c) heart 66) What does the prefix 'brady-' mean? a) Fast b) Slow c) Painful d) Without 67) What does 'cardio' refer to? a) Heart b) Lung c) Liver d) Kidney 68) What does 'itis' mean? a) Inflammation b) Decrease c) Movement d) Vision 69) What does 'hepato' refer to? a) Liver b) Stomach c) Heart d) Muscle 70) What does 'nephro' refer to? a) Kidney b) Bladder c) Bone d) Brain 71) What does 'arthro' refer to? a) Joint b) Vein c) Artery d) Nerve 72) What does 'osteo' refer to? a) Bone b) Muscle c) Cartilage d) Skin 73) What does 'derm' refer to? a) Skin b) Hair c) Nail d) Gland 74) What does 'gastr' refer to? a) Stomach b) Intestine c) Esophagus d) Mouth 75) What does 'neuro' refer to? a) Nerve b) Brain c) Spine d) Muscle 76) What does 'hemo' refer to? a) Blood b) Water c) Air d) Urine 77) What does 'pulmono' refer to? a) Lung b) Liver c) Heart d) Kidney 78) What does 'cyte' mean? a) Cell b) Tissue c) Organ d) System 79) What does 'pathy' mean? a) Disease b) Health c) Treatment d) Study 80) What does 'ectomy' mean? a) Removal b) Repair c) Incision d) Viewing 81) What does 'plasty' mean? a) Repair b) Removal c) Viewing d) Incision 82) What does 'scopy' mean? a) Viewing b) Repair c) Removal d) Incision 83) What does 'ology' mean? a) Study of b) Treatment c) Disease d) Health 84) What does 'gram' mean? a) Record b) Study c) Treatment d) Disease 85) What does 'algia' mean? a) Pain b) Swelling c) Reduction d) Movement 86) What does 'stasis' mean? a) Stopping b) Flowing c) Changing d) Moving
med term terms
9th Grade
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12th Grade
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medical terminology
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