1) Which of the following is not true about the image? a) subduction b) convergent c) continental crust- oceanic crust d) oceanic crust is less dense e) oceanic crust is subducted (goes under) continental crust f) continental crust is less dense 2) Which of the following is not true about the image? a) subducted crust will melt b) caused by convection currents c) trenches are an outcome d) earthquakes are an outcome e) volcanoes are an outcome 3) Which of the following is not true about the image? a) subduction b) convergent c) oceanic crust-oceanic crust d) oceanic crust is more dense e) oceanic crust is subducted (goes under) continental crust f) continental crust is more dense 4) Which of the following is not true about the image? a) subducted crust will melt b) caused by convection currents c) trenches are an outcome d) volcanic island arcs are an outcome e) earthquakes are an outcome 5) which of the following is not true about the image? a) oceanic crust- oceanic crust b) divergent boundary c) magma comes up from the mantle to fill the empty space d) powered by convection currents e) older crust at the rupture/rift f) newer crust at the rupture/rift 6) What plate tectonic activity could have caused this outcome? (select all) a) convergent boundary b) oceanic plate subducted by continental plate c) transform boundary d) fault line e) buckling of two continental plates 7) The image shows a volcanic island arc. Which statements match with the image? (select all) a) convergent boundary b) subduction c) continental crust- oceanic crust d) oceanic crust- oceanic crust e) melting of plate caused magma to form and move up f) divergent boundary 8) Ocean basins are depressions in the sea floor filled with water, shown with the blue water in the image. Which statements apply? a) Caused by divergent boundaries b) Caused by convergent boundaries c) Caused by transform boundaries d) They feature oceanic crust-oceanic crust e) They include buckling zones f) They include mid ocean ridges 9) The image shows a mountain range like the Himalayan Mountains that were formed between the Indian subcontinent and the Eurasian continent. Which statements apply to mountains/ folded mountains? (select all) a) continental crust- oceanic crust b) continental crust- continental crust c) convergent boundary d) divergent boundary e) transform boundary f) buckling 10) Which statements best match the image? (select all) a) convergent b) divergent c) volcanic island arcs are formed d) oceanic crust- oceanic crust e) subduction f) trenches are formed

Plate Tectonic Outcomes




